Homeopathic Study Group in Gangtok!

The London College of Homeopathy, UK organised a homeopathy study tour under International Clinical Exposure in Homeopathy (ICEH) at Gangtok!
The HIMALAYAS – 2023!
A ICEH 2023 presented to all the attendees with a wonderful opportunity to meet and greet, learn and teach! A group which was targeted to learn and study homeopathy from the expert faculty of LCH UK under the guidance of Dr Farokh Master and experts faculty from LCH UK.
The study group covered a wide range of topics, including:
- The principles of homeopathy
- The Materia Medica (homeopathic remedies)
- Case taking and prescribing
- Complex, chronic cases
- Open house discussions
- And much more….
It was a perfect gathering to learn and improve our skills in homeopathic clinical practices.
Benefits of joining the homeopathic study group (ICEH) by LCH UK:
- Learn from experienced homeopaths
- Gain a deeper understanding of homeopathy
- Practice your skills and learn from each other
- Network with other homeopaths
- Connect with the homeopathy community in Gangtok
Registration for next ICEH batch is open. For more information and registration drop us an email at info@lchomeopathy.com
Stay connected for next ICEH event!