An Exclusive Interview with Prof. Dr. C Nayak, India

The London College of Homeopathy, United Kingdom feels excited to present An Exclusive Interview with Prof. Dr. C. Nayak, India

Prof. Dr. C. Nayak is the President of Homoeopathy University, India (World’s First and Only Homoeopathy University). Dr Nayak has also been instrumental in shaping the research in India being the Former Director General of Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India.

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Radical Homoeopathy – Legendary Homoeopaths Converging Together

The London College of Homeopathy, United Kingdom feels privileged to be a part of the One of the Biggest Events in Homeopathy in India.

The Homoeopathy University, Jaipur, India (the world’s first and only Homoeopathy University) and LCH UK conjointly invites you to be a part of the


where three legendary homoeopaths

Dr Farokh J Master

Dr Rajan Sankaran &

Dr Sunirmal Sarkar

Shall enrich the experience of the audience with their vast knowledge, expertise and farsightedness in Homeopathy.

30th, 31st August & 1st September, 2019

BM Birla Auditorium, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

This event is one of the biggest events in homoeopathy which shall witness the learned audience, students, teachers, practitioners, and policymakers at one place.

So, What Are You Waiting For?

register now

And if you are LCH student, the participation to this event is Complimentary!

To avail please write to us at

For regular registrations, accommodation details etc. please visit the official site of Event at

Co-Can with Homeopathy

The London College of Homeopathy, UK, and Societatea Romana de Homeopatie presents


Conquer the CANCER with Homeopathy

A Two Days Exclusive Workshop with Dr. Farokh J. Master

Learn and Experience

  • Advanced Homeopathy Skills and Clinical Expertise!
  • Explore the Role of Homeopathy in Cancer, Chronic Diseases, and Terminal Illnesses
  • Case Studies and Concepts
  • Follow-ups of Live Cases
  • Auxiliary Management Tips
  • And much more….

An Exclusive TWO Days Workshop!

save the date

Join US At Bucharest, ROMANIA on 24th and 25th NOV 2018!

Registration Fee

For RSH, LCH and SRH Members: GBP 100

For Non-Members: GBP 150

Please Add GBP 50 to each category if you wish to attend the



Hotel Parliament, Bucharest, Romania

For VISA/Travel Assistance, and Accommodation Packages write to us at

Co-Can with Homeopathy