The enrolment is open for the new batch of One Year Advance Post Graduate Diploma in Homeopathy (PG Hom.) by The London College of Homeopathy, UK (LCH UK). The batch shall commence from second week of January 2020. To opt for the course please:
The London College of Homeopathy, United Kingdom (LCH UK) and Bakson Homoeopathic Medical College, India organized a two days Exclusive Homeopathy Workshop – Dealing Difficult Cases – The Easier Way – Sticking to Basic Principles, on 30th Nov and 1st Dec 2019 at Mini Veerji Auditorium, Bakson College, India. The workshop concluded with a grand success where more than 300 delegates from different parts of India joined and benefitted by the works and experiences of speakers of international repute:
Dr Farokh J Master, Chairman, Education Committee, LCH UK
Dr Muktinder Singh, Senior Homoeopathic Consultant, Punjab, India
Dr Tarkeshwar Jain, Registrar, Homoeopathy University, Jaipur, India
The workshop was inaugurated with garlanding Master Hahnemann and Dr KPS Bakshi and lamp lightening.
Inauguration and Lamp Lightening
Following this, a motivational and charged up pre-conference session was taken up by Mr Deepak Vohra, Former Ambassador of India to Poland, which was much appreciated by the audience, staff and organizers alike. Mr Deepak Vohra was welcomed by Dr Sandeep Kaila, Registrar, LCH UK.
Dr Sandeep Kaila, Registrar, LCH UK welcoming Mr Deepak VohraDr Tarkeshwar JainDr Muktinder SinghDr Farokh Master
The workshop witnessed deliberate clinical discussions on various basic and challenging topics in homeopathy such as:
• Art of observation in Homoeopathic practice
• Hidden gems from The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica by C.Herring.
• Observations in pediatric Homoeopathic practice
• Case taking of an infant
• Materia medica snake remedies in paediatrics
• Cholelithiasis cured case in a girl child
• Importance of generalities in homoeopathic Practice.
• Advanced Homeopathy Skills and Clinical Expertise!
• Role of Homeopathy in Cancer, Chronic Diseases, and Terminal Illnesses
• Case Studies and Concepts
• Follow-ups of Live Cases
• Auxiliary Management Tips Etc.
Launch of Wissen
On this occasion, the Bakson Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital inaugurated their first ever homeopathic journal – WISSEN.
During the event, more than 40 PG Hom. Students of LCH UK (including 300 other delegates) from India participated and interacted with the learned speakers.
The LCH UK would like to extend warm regards and appreciation for all attendees and efforts during the workshop. It culminated in a very successful and fruitful educational event. We look forward to hosting such events and seeing a larger audience at our upcoming workshops and conferences. We request you to keep an eye on the @lchukofficial social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram), your emails and our website ( for more information.
The London College of Homeopathy, United Kingdom and Bakson Homoeopathic Medical College, India organized a two days Exclusive Homeopathy Workshop – Dealing Difficult Cases – The Easier Way – Sticking to Basic Principles, on 30th Nov and 1st Dec 2019 at Mini Veerji Auditorium, Bakson College, India. The workshop concluded with a grand success where 300 delegates from different parts of India joined and benefitted by the works and experiences of speakers of international repute:
Dr Farokh J Master, Chairman, Education Committee, LCH UK
Dr Muktinder Singh, Senior Homoeopathic Consultant, Punjab, India
Dr Tarkeshwar Jain, Registrar, Homoeopathy University, Jaipur, India
The workshop was inaugurated with garlanding Master Hahnemann and Dr KPS Bakshi and lamp lightening. Following this, a motivational and charged up pre-conference session was taken up by Mr Deepak Vohra, Former Embassador of India to Poland, which was much appreciated by the audience, staff and organizers alike. Mr Deepak Vohra was welcomed by Dr Sandeep Kaila, Registrar, LCH UK.
The workshop witnessed deliberate clinical discussions on various basic and challenging topics in homeopathy such as:
Art of observation in Homoeopathic practice
Hidden gems from The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica by C.Herring.
Observations in pediatric Homoeopathic practice
Case taking of an infant
Materia medica snake remedies in paediatrics
Cholelithiasis cured case in a girl child
Importance of generalities in homoeopathic Practice.
Advanced Homeopathy Skills and Clinical Expertise!
Role of Homeopathy in Cancer, Chronic Diseases, and Terminal Illnesses
Case Studies and Concepts
Follow-ups of Live Cases
Auxillary Management Tips Etc.
On this occasion, the Bakson Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital inaugurated their first ever homeopathic journal – WISSEN.
During the event, more than 40 PG Hom. students of LCH UK from India participated and interacted with the learned speakers.
We would like to extend our warm regards and appreciation for all attendees and efforts during the workshop. It culminated in a very successful and fruitful educational event. We look forward to hosting such events and seeing a larger audience at our upcoming workshops and conferences. We request you to keep an eye on the @lchukofficial social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram), your emails and our website for more information.
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