33 yasindayim. Uludag universitesi Matematik bolumu mezunuyum. Birkac senelik ogretmenlik deneyimimden sonra dijital projelerde (web sitesi, mobil uygulama gibi) proje yonetmenligi yapmaya basladim. Kizimin dogumuna yakin isi biraktim ve dogumdan 1 ay sonra Istanbul’dan memleketim Ayvalik’a tasindik. Son 2 senedir de Londra’da yasiyoruz. Su anda hayir kurumlarinda gönüllü olarak calisiyorum. Proje yonetmenligi yaptigim meslek hayatimda hep sorguladigim sey “bunca buyuk markanin reklam yatirimlarinda rol alma” kismindaki manevi eksiklikti. Cok sukur ki LCH ile yolum kesistiginden beri bu buyuk eksikligin altini dolu dolu beslemeye basladigimi hissediyorum. Nisan 22 sinifindayim. 6ay oncesinde Homeopati’ye dair hicbirsey bilmiyordum, adini bile duymamistim. Hayatim boyu sadece daha temiz icerikli alternatifler bulup mumkun oldugunca ilaclardan uzakta yasama güdüm oldu. Ve hala nasil oldugunu anlamadigim bir sekilde gordugum tek bir postla Homeopati’nin ne demek oldugunu bile bilmeden icim heyecandan tasarak kendimi kayit yaptirirken buldum. Bu durumu tamamen benim icin dogru yeri ve zamani gelmis bir adim olarak yorumluyorum. Ilk gunden bugune her gun, bu aileye katilmanin sukruyle ve sevinciyle yol aliyorum. Bu kadar guzel kalbin bir araya geldigi ve ozledigimiz duygularin yasandigi bir ortamda olmak cok guzel🙏
Her birinize sevgilerimi gonderiyorum🌺
I am 33 years old. I am a graduate of Uludag University, Department of Mathematics. After a few years of teaching experience, I started to work as a project director in digital projects (such as website, mobile application). I quit my job close to the birth of my daughter and 1 month after the birth, we moved from Istanbul to my hometown Ayvalik. We have been living in London for the last 2 years. I am currently working as a volunteer in charities. What I always questioned in my career as a project director was the moral lack of “taking a role in the advertising investments of so many big brands”. Luckily, I feel like I’ve started to nurture this big gap ever since I crossed paths with LCH. I’m in April 22 class. I didn’t know anything about Homeopathy 6 months ago, I hadn’t even heard of it. All my life, I have been motivated to find alternatives with cleaner ingredients and live as far away from drugs as possible. And with a single post I saw in a way that I still don’t understand how, I found myself registering without even knowing what Homeopathy means. I interpret this situation as a step that has come at the right place and time for me. From the first day until today, I have been walking with the joy and happiness of joining this family. It is very nice to be in an environment where so many beautiful hearts come together and the feelings we miss are experienced🙏
Sending my love to each of you 🌺